서울대학교 식품공학 연구실
Welcome to FENG
Food Engineering Laboratory
본 연구실은 시대에 발맞추어 세계적 경쟁력을 갖추기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

서울대학교 식품공학 연구실
Welcome to FENG
Food Engineering Laboratory
본 연구실은 시대에 발맞추어 세계적 경쟁력을 갖추기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
Research 1
Switchable linker based colorimetric detection using gold nanoparticle aggregation
Research 2
Pickering emulsions stabilized by food-derived solid particles
Research 3
Development of meat analog material through Extruder
Effect of heating time and drying method on the functional properties of soy protein isolate–maltodextrin conjugates for plant-based meringue cookies
Hyun Woo Choi, Jung-Hoon Kim, Seung Hwan Ham, Chaeyoung Park, Jeong-Won Kim, Jungwoo Hahn, Young Jin Choi
Future Foods
Impact of soy/pea protein isolate–oil interactions on the physicochemical and structural properties of high-moisture texturized proteins under different oil concentrations
Ji-Yeun Lee, Hyun Woo Choi, Myeongsu Jo, Hyung Joo Kim, Jungwoo Hahn, Young Jin Choi
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Mechanical Stretching Technology for Plant-Based Meat Analogs with Enhanced Texture Utilizing Wheat Gluten and Pea Protein Isolate
Hyun Woo Choi, Hwain Jeon, Ji-Yeun Lee, Young Jin Choi, Jungwoo Hahn
LWT-Food Science and Technology
Filter-assisted sample preparation for on-site detection using a bi-functional linker-based biosensor demonstrated with Escherichia coli O157: H7
Hyebin Han, Seung Hwan Ham, Youngsang You, Jihae Lee, Jungwoo Hahn, Young Jin Choi
Food Chemistry